Led by Mark Studholme and Finn Hansen, MetaMundo is a platform where 3D creators can mint their 3D assets as NFTs and sell, auction or license them to collectors and game builders. The platform ensures 3D NFTs are interoperable across the metaverse and empowers 3D creators and collectors to build an open metaverse with imaginative objects, including avatars, wearables, vehicles, and buildings. The assets made available are premium collectibles created by a curated community of high-end architects, designers, and 3D creators. Initially, the categories will include NFT art galleries, DJ venues, shops, bars, homes, and interactive buildings.MetaMundo is built on Polygon, a blockchain where the minting and selling of the assets will have low gas fees compared to Ethereum and will use 99.5% less energy. The assets will be interoperable across Polygon-based metaverses such as Decentraland and Somnium Space. The advisors to MetaMundo include Jon Radoff (CEO of Beamable and author of Building the Metaverse), Eric Arsenault (RaribleDAO, YGG and VentureDAO), Jin (DankVR) and Metadreamer (MetaFactory).01/12/2021